Charles Walker Obituary

Charles Lee Walker

You’re tougher than I thought. I know you were tired and I’m sad you left. I can see your face smiling and winking at me. I understand.

There are so many memories I have of you. I wished I would have said a few more things, wrote down a few more of your stories, and captured more than I did so my girls could know their grandpa better. Sorry for that. I know you love them more than the world. They know that, too.

You were the best dad I could have ever asked for. I watched your every move growing up. There was nothing you couldn’t do. If it broke, you’d fix it. If it needed built, you would. If someone said you couldn’t do it, you took it to the next level.

I wondered a lot when I was young if I’d have as many friends as you. Of course, you know that’s impossible. You knew everybody. And every joke. You were fun. You’d carry a conversation about any subject or bullshit your way through it. It always ended with the other person laughing and liking you even more.

I’ll never forget the way you danced with yourself in the living room. I’ll never forget the way you treated people. You showed me, then expected me to be respectful. Thank you.

I know that living in Alaska hurt you quite a bit. I wasn’t there. My girls weren’t there. The last conversation you had with Niko was rough. I heard the sadness in your voice from being so far. It broke my heart.

You would say that telling about my memories of you this way is fine. Or you’d laugh and say, “hey, we’re on the cutting-edge of technology here.” Whichever, this will work for now.

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I’ll write again. I miss you, dad.

Gary Duke published a comment .

Sorry for your loss I love Charlie. So thankful for the time I got to spend with him and you. He taught me alot. Thanks.

Amber Shelton published a comment .

Thank you, Gary. We miss him so much.
He loved the “Mark and Gary” days. You were like part of our family. So many shenanigans for you two.
I hope you are doing well.

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Mark published a tribute .

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Mark Walker published a tribute .

Charles Walker Obituary

She’ll know you through stories. I wish you could have held her.

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Mark Walker published a tribute .

Charles Walker Obituary

Wish I could talk to you again.

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Mark published a tribute .

Today, in particular, sucked. I missed you a lot. I thought about you most of the day. I pulled the girls around the yard on a sled with the 4-wheeler. You always get a kick out of my stories about Taylor and the girls. Knowing I wasn’t going to tell you and hear you laugh – I couldn’t get it out of my head. It’s feeling more real. Different than two weeks ago. You can come back anytime. I give.

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I had just talked to you the day before and I was going to call you the next morning.
Instead I received a phone call from brother saying you were found down by your shop, on the ground and not breathing. What did that mean?! NOT Breathing.. why wasn’t someone giving you mouth to mouth, why wasn’t someone at least trying. I knew why, but didn’t want to mentally go there. Am was on her way, flying down the road to get to you. Then I got the call confirming what I already knew, I went numb . . .
You were by 1st best friend. You always listened and offered sound advise and sometimes I took it.
Other times… well, you were there to help me pick up the pieces.
You were the Dad who could do anything, a super hero really. You could fix it, build it and make it from scratch. You had more stories and jokes than anyone I knew. You lived your life the way you wanted and allowed us to live ours. And of course, you always had an opinion about it.
I remember when Melanie was born and you gave her a bouquet of roses. You said you wanted to be the first guy to give her flowers. I’m thankful you were her Grandpa Charlie. In our last talk, you said you were so proud of her and had a great conversation with her just days before.
I’m thankful for all the things you enjoyed prepared me for. I am Charlie Walker’s daughter and I’m bulletproof…but right now I could really use one of your hugs and your low, deep voice telling me, “You’ll be fine Sis.”
I miss and love you.

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Amber Shelton published a comment .

I wish I could give you a big hug right now. or better yet, Dad was here to hug both of us. I love you, Shell.