David Dan Obituary

David Nick Dan


David N. Dan, resident of Wilmington Island passed on Sunday, March 28, 2010. David was a proud graduate of Mt. Union College, in Alliance, OH. Anyone who knew David could look forward to being greeted with the current Mt. Union football scores. Those who were lucky enough to be invited to breakfast would be treated to David’s “World Famous Beer Pancakes.” After graduation, David pursued corporate life, working several years for IBM in Ohio. He exchanged corporate life for work with his hands, becoming a Home Improvement Contractor and owning his own business for over twenty years before retiring to the Savannah area. David believed in the importance of nourishing mind, body and spirit. David was an active member of the Coastal Social Club. He was an avid golfer, playing most recently for the Senior Blitz at Bacon Park. While living in Dayton, OH, David was a member of the West Minster Presbyterian Church. After moving to Savannah, David dedicated much of his time as an elder for the Wilmington Island Presbyterian Church. Above all David will be remembered as a family man. He is preceded in death by his beloved father, Nick Dan; and is survived by his mother, Mary Dan, of Alliance, OH. David will be remembered by his loving family: Wife of eight years, Suzanne Dan, of Savannah, GA; Brother, Steven/Jan Dan, (Heather, Cory, Brittany, Devon) of Twinsburg, OH Daughter, Tiffany Coluni (Sydney, Alec and Dominic) of Grosse Pointe, MI Son, Shawn/Carrie Dan (Nick, Cameron) of Dayton, OH Step-Daughter, Naomi Meister-Sevidal (Christian, Eoin) of Atlanta, GA Step-Son, Matthew/ Janet Meister of Charleston, SC A Memorial Service will be held Thursday, April 1, 2010 at 10:00 A.M. at Wilmington Island Presbyterian Church. The family will receive visitors immediately following the service. The family requests that in lieu of flowers, donations be sent to either The American Lung Association of Georgia, 2452 Spring Rd., Smyrna, GA 30080 www.lungsusa.org/associations/states/georgia or Alzheimer’s Coastal Chapter, 1925 Century Blvd., Suite 10, Atlanta, GA 30345 www.alz.org/georgia/ David Dan Eulogy Hello, I am Shawn Dan and this is my sister Tiffany. We are proud to be speaking to you about our Dad, David Dan. Whenever I have described my dad over the past few years, I’ve said that he ‘retired right’. That he had found his perfect balance of a comfortable everyday routine, sprinkled in with sparks of action. In retirement, he was slower than I remember growing up. But he deserved to move a little slower – he had been working hard for a long time. Dad retired in Savannah, Georgia and based on all the kind words from his many friends down here, I feel that he was a ‘Yankee’ well received. His daily routine consisted of: • Waking everyday telling Suzanne that he loved her. Then it was time for business. • Reading investment information and watching it on TV religiously. We would talk on the phone and he’d literally give me a play by play of the stock ticker. I am not sure if you have watched a stock ticker, but the play by play is about as much fun as comparing the weather reports between Cleveland and Savannah. In fact, I saved his last voicemail to my cell phone coaching me that if I “had any extra money lying around to get it off the bench and into the market for the next few weeks.” He loved the market and was great at reacting to it. The rest of his day consisted of: • Going to the Bagel Café to eat breakfast, read more and say ‘Hello’ to all the patrons. • Get a few small tasks done around the house • A few times a week he would go golfing • Then it was off to Cheers to talk about nothing and everything at the same time. He loved that bar and the people in it. • He came home to have dinner with Suzanne. • Before going to bed every night, he again told Suzanne that he loved her. • On Sunday, he had his church group Most of those things you probably already know. Now we would like to share a few things that you may not know about him. Like any father, he taught his kids important lessons of life. I think I was in second grade when Dad taught me the concept of making a profit. He woke me up in the middle of the night to share a cold glass of milk on the kitchen counter to discuss the general principals of making money. There are a few telling elements about that story: 1 – When dad wanted to tell you something – it was on his timing, schedule, agenda (even if you are 9 years old in the middle of the night). Some of you may call this interrupting. My dad viewed it as getting something off of his list. 2-Dad loved milk, really cold milk. Growing up, he would place the gallon next to the table on the floor so he could quickly get a second glass. This was my introduction to “Function over Form.” 3- I cannot remember him ever speaking to me like I was a child. When we were talking, it was for a reason or purpose. And I would not have wanted in any other way. (Tiffany Speaking) Dad also taught me many things throughout my life. My favorite memory is when he taught me how to dance, both Romanian and “nice dancing.” How the man should put hands on the lady’s back and the lady needs to hold her hand up properly. Dad loved to dance, anywhere, anytime. He had no problem being the first or the last couple on the dance floor. He loved to showcase his Romanian dancing skills. He loved to teach “circle folk dancing” to all of our friends, convinced it would kick any party up 10 notches. At times this could be embarrassing but was always well received. Our friends loved it. Many wanted to be Romanian at the end of party Unlike his father, our Dad was not a man of few words. It did not matter how small the subject. He taught me to correctly eat a sandwich so that my face would not get messy. Start from the outside, work towards the middle. Dad even took on the task of teaching Shawn and I about the birds and the bees. Of course, he was completely serious and came equipped with informational books and pamphlets. By 7 yrs old we knew how to play backgammon and be good at it. Dad would never just let us win to make ourselves feel good; we had to earn the win. Trust me, there were a couple of tears, but we learned how to strategize a win eventually. Dad truly lived. Everyone hopes as we go through life to find fulfillment in many spectrums. Dave Dan receives a gold star for soaking in everything life has to offer. Someone once told me “live everyday as its Saturday, it just happens that some Saturdays you have to work”. Dad lived like this. Our Dad was also a planner, He planned everything. While I was in middle school, the family went on a trip across the country. 4 teenage kids in a van for 2 weeks. The man enjoyed a challenge. As with any event our dad planned, it was highly organized. He passed out 4 – 50 page folders with information packets including timing of when we would arrive and leave each city. Including timed bathroom breaks. During the trip, he made choices like sleeping in tents for 5 nights – so we could spend 1 night in Caesar’s Palace. Sacrifice for 5 days, live it up for one. Looking back this seemed to be a theme of his life. Work hard all week and enjoy your breaks to the fullest That theme continued as we got older and would visit him on the weekends. Dad always planned every hour for me in our time in Ashland and Dayton Ohio. He would set out 3 or 4 of my favorite magazines in the bedroom, get a cheese Danish for breakfast, and have peach flavored wine coolers and lamb for dinner. He valued a great plan. (Shawn Speaking) Our Dad was highly disciplined with a great work ethic. I worked many hours, days, weeks, months and years with my dad. I think my dad enjoyed retirement as much as I enjoyed him finally being retired. I also think that he enjoyed retirement so much because he worked so hard to get there. Dad worked countless hours in both sales and construction gigs. Early in life he spent time in the Army, then on to IBM, Aqua Pool, an office supply furniture shop, to his crowning work accomplishment of “Dan and Associates”. My dad worked hard and I loved him for it. His great work ethic was contagious to those that were around him. (Tiffany speaking) I also worked with our dad – it was truly a family business… Everyone in the family was on the payroll at some point. Painting shutters, building swimming pools…etc. He thoroughly enjoyed and was proud to have his nieces and nephews come to work with him. Even the little grandkids would get a few bucks for holding the hammer a certain way. One summer, I tried my hand at painting. I’m not exactly known for physical labor in our family. That is no secret. Dad still thought he’d give me shot. I was 18 and thought how great it was that Dad always got so tan while working outside during the summer. So I figured I would come to work in my swimsuit and tanning oil, PERFECT! Dad’s 18 yr-old daughter in a swimsuit was not what he was signing up for, but the work got done and I did get a few compliments from the rest of the crew. This was not part of the plan, but we enjoyed reliving the memory as we got older. (Shawn Speaking) But after work was done it was time to clean up. This would start with the work zone. We would clean, painstakingly at the end of each day. Even if we were coming back the very next day to sand drywall for the 3rd time, Dad would have his crew (which was just me on some days) sweep the whole place like we were prepping for a Home and Garden’s cover story. Dad taught me that just because you worked in slop all day, you needed to take pride in your pen. There were many days like that where Dad had washed off the cement dust from his hands and roofing tar from his cheeks. My dad knew how to clean up right. Dad had his own style, which I am sure you are all aware. Heavily starched Polo shirts, sometimes tucked into red sweatpants, gruff hair topped with a hat, a watch for every occasion and collar up if he was feeling festive. Dad had a fine knack for looking like a homeless person/someone just stepping off “the boat” one minute and then the next minute looking like the good looking older gentleman on the cover of a Ralph Lauren advertisement. (Tiffany Speaking) Our dad was very passionate about his loves in life. Here are a few… “Pretty” things as he would call them. In regards to music, he would say “Tiffy, this part right here is just so pretty, listen.” He was someone that could take the time to enjoy beautiful colors or beautiful flowers. Dad brought culture to his life; loved going to the opera, art, and traveling. Here are a few of his favorite things: chocolate martinis, Miller Lite, beer pancakes, driving fast/fast cars, Polo shirts, decorating, golf, staying warm, John Grisham & James Patterson, going to Berlin Lake, Mount Union Purple Raiders and his family. Dad had 7 grandkids. He was proud of each of them. Christian, Sydney, Alec, Eoin, Nick, Dominic & Cami. Like his father our dad loved his grandchildren and watching them grow/hearing about their milestones and accomplishments. And mostly, teaching them what he knew. One final lesson I would like to share about my dad. When I was as young as his grand kids now, I remember writing Dad a letter telling him “Dad, if the fish don’t come to you…you just have to go get the fish” I have no idea what that means, but I think it was Dad problem-solving /philosopher skills rubbing off at a young age. And for some reason, those silly “fish words” Dad remembered and he always asked me throughout my life if I was just “letting the fish come to me?” (Shawn Speaking) When it came to love, my Dad did not wait around for love to come to him. He went out and found it in Suzanne. And it was the luckiest day of his life. They were the perfect complement to each other. She gave him the room for him to be himself and that is what Dad needed, room to be himself, yet someone to share every experience. As Suzanne mentioned yesterday to the minister, my dad was a romantic. He loved Suzanne, and wanted nothing but the best for her as they prepared for her to join him in retirement. In his last moments, as Dad knew that his life was ending, he told Suzanne that he loved her. The fact that he had the presence of mind to do this before he died is a testament of their love. Suzanne, my dad loved you. As you leave here today thinking of my dad, please remember a few of the things that he taught Tiffany and me. Most importantly, it takes hard work to put yourself in a position to live the life that you want to live. My dad did this. He put as much as he could into his life, and because of this, he was able to reap many of life’s benefits. Please celebrate his life…at a party…with a drink. He would want that. Shawn Dan, Tiffany Dan. We urge you to share your memory of our dad at the memorial site at www.foxandweeks.com

See also  Shirley Adams Obituary

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David Dan Obituary

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May God bless you and your.

May your hearts soon be filled.

May the love of friends and.

As the days and weeks pass, and.

In loving memory of a wonderful.

Grief can be so hard, but our.