Austin Pryor Obituary


Cactus Pryor, Austin’s original funnyman and pioneer of local radio and television, died Tuesday. He was 88.

Published by Austin American-Statesman on Aug. 31, 2011.


86 Entries

cactus lived around the corner. in his later years he did speed walking around the block. sometimes he’d stop and visit. one time he said to me: “dan, I’m getting so old I can’t remember breakfast”. is it breakfast?” maybe you had to be there, but with cactus, you never saw it coming.

dan huckabee
March 18, 2023

To the Pryor family,
Growing up in Electra Texas, we got the Darrell Royal Show Sunday nights at 10:30. Being a very serious fan from way back, I could not wait to see the show each week. Yes because of Coach and the highlights, but Cactus was so smooth, and did a most excellent job as host. He and coach just seemed to fit together. The passing of Cactus is indeed a loss for us, but a gain for “The Boss”. Be well!

September 10, 2011

Peggy and the Pryor Famiy,
I am sending this message on behalf of my deceased mother and father. They both thought the world of both of you and enjoyed staying in your condo in Port Aransas as winter Texans. I am so sorry to hear of the passing of Catus. Keep remembering the wonderful times that you had with him.

know Cactus will be

David Brill
September 9, 2011

Paul and the Pryor Family,
I can still remember the first time I met your dad. I was with Frankie who had recently been hired at KLBJ. Your dad was immediately so welcoming, friendly, caring and loving. And it continued from there. Although I no longer saw him, I continued to follow him all these years. You and the family are all in my thoughts and prayers Paul. Thanks for sharing your dad with all of us all these years. My heartfelt condolences to all. God bless!

See also  Betty Jones Obituary 2023

Tencha Rodriquez
September 9, 2011

Sorry to hear about Cactus. He was an excellent entertainer.Que vaya con Dios.My condolences to the family.

john kruse
September 5, 2011

I never met Cactus Pryor. I watched the UT football show on Sundays just to listen to him. While attending summer school at UT in 1973, I made it a practice to listen to his show on KLBJ at 9 in the morning before I went to class. He always had excellent interviews with his guests. I will always remember his interview with Senator Yarborough. Thanks for sharing your talents and abilities with the world, Mr. Pryor. Go in Peace.

Dion Miller
September 5, 2011

Bill Pryor, Cactus Pryor’s brother, was an Air Traffic Controller. I met Cactus one evening at the FAA Control Center when Cactus had a lay-over in Houston on his way back to Austin. Cactus came over to the Center and Bill gave hin the grand tour. The last time I saw Cactus was at Bill’s funeral service in Austin. They both will be missed greatly and loved dearly.

Buster & Kaye McCollum
September 1, 2011

Was such a gentleman. A genuinely funny, funny man. Was just as important to the culture of Austin as Darrell Royal, Lyndon Johnson, Rudy Cisneros, James White, and others.

David Minear
September 1, 2011
RIP Cactus, we’ll miss you!
September 1, 2011
Truly an Austin legend that will be missed. Always enjoyed listening to him every morning . Godspeed
Oscar Palomo
September 1, 2011

I am so blessed to have known Cactus. He passed my desk and stopped to talk every day when I worked at Photo Processors and he taped his shows upstairs. He brought joy, laughter and a caring thought to everyone he touched. His signed picture with John Henry Faulk is still on my living room wall after all these years.
My deepest sympathy to his wonderful family. May the words we leave here comfort you.

See also  Andrew Derouen Obituary

Maggie Swinney
August 31, 2011

To Cactus and family,

It was an honor knowing you all. We will continue the good fight to cure Alzheimer’s Disease. Jaron L. Winston, MD and associates.

August 31, 2011

I was a first grader at Zilker Elementary when Mr.Pryor would come and have lunch with Kerry. Kerry and I were classmates and I so enjoyed seeing her father. He sat across from me and talked to me in a Donald Duck voice. He made me laugh so hard. He made a sweet memory for me that I’ve never forgotten. To the Pryor family, may the sweet memories of this wonderful man sustain you at this sorrowful time. God Bless

Brenda Felton-Sakaluk
August 31, 2011
I was a long time fan until Hondo introduced us. then he rose to Hero status.
Hoppy Hopkins
August 31, 2011

Thou we didnt get to sing Amazing Grace together you inspired me to remember you everytime I sing it or hear it I think of you and when i worked for you.Cactus you were an asset to Austin that will be missed.

vernice fresch/marshall
August 31, 2011

Mr.Pryor was a true icon to Austin, who will be missed by many. Rest your soul Cactus and keep ’em laughing on the other side! Condolences to the family.

Anne Parker
August 31, 2011

Cactus: You were one of the last links to the old Austin I once so loved. There are few of your generation to carry that love forward for me now. I miss those days when you were ever present. I miss that Austin and now will miss you.

See also  Beverly Williams Obituary

August 31, 2011

My mother, Dale Buchanan Massey, dated Cactus when they were students at UT. Although their romance faded, they remained good friends. When I was a child, my mother told me hilarious stories about their college antics – my favorite was the story of Cactus having someone else drive his car while he and Mom sat in the rumble seat. At traffic lights and corners he would “fall” out of the rumble seat and run madly after the car waving his hat and yelling frantically. Years later after she had moved to Dallas and married my dad, she would run into Cactus at various company dinners and fund-raisers. He would be disguised as some dignitary and he’d have to get Mom (and Dad) in on the act. I know some of Mom’s favorite college memories were of Cactus. Several years ago I found his book of essays in a store. Delighted as if I’d found an old friend, I bought it and it sits on my coffee table. I’ve had many a laugh reading his words. After I finish typing this, I’ll give his picture on the front a smile and a pat. Mom (who also had Alzheimer’s) died in 2006. I hope they are now sharing more laughs above. I know Cactus will be truly missed.

He always had excellent

Gayle Watson
August 31, 2011

Cactus was a great friend of my late daughter, Carlyn Nelson, they worked together at KLBJ and Cactus was there when we lost Carlyn. Rest in Peace. Mallory Nelson