Adam Carrier Livingston Parish

Shane Hebert – Victim Without Justice

Adam Carrier Livingston Parish

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I gave you life
I gave you love
I gave you freedom
I gave you guidence
I gave you room to grow
I gave you love and support
I gave you morals and values
I gave you all I had to give son
But I could not give you justice.

My son, Shane Hebert was brutely murdered on Oct. 27, 1997 at the age of 19. Why was he murdered? Because he was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

I waited two years, five months and nine days to find out that it did not matter. Shane’s killer was found not guilty. And within hours of the verdict, he confessed.
Adam Carrier killed my son and now walks free.

We would like to thank Charlotte Herbert, who prosectuted this case. We know you did everything in your power to see that Shane receieved justice.

To Wayne Stewart who represented Adam Carrier. You yourself said and I quote: “This was a horrific killing. I told the jury that in my opinion, whoever did it was a cold-blooded, vicious killer.” You Mr. Stewart helped put this cold blooded, vicious killer on the streets with your children and grandchildren and all the children of Livingston Parish. Do you fear who his next victim will be?

And one more thing Mr. Stewart , my son has a name, he is not “that kid.” His name is SHANE.

And to the members of the jury who voted not guilty, you also put this killer back on the street with our children. I have two surviving children and Shane also has two children, I don’t know about you, but this scares the HE** out of me.

See also  Lake Cataouatche

The Family of Shane Hebert
The Victim Without Justice


A young man
A brother
A father
A husband
A son
A family thrown beneath
the wheels of “Justice”
wheels that are made
to grind the soul and
mutilate the heart.
Wheels that grind so slowly
To make the pain and torture
so intense.
The murderer.
All the rights
All the priviledges
The victim.
The system.
Let’s get this over
So we can go home.
The verdict.
Not guilty!
A young man
A brother
A father
A husband
A son.

By Karen
In memory of Shane and the great injustice done to him.

Adam Carrier Livingston Parish

Final Judgment is Death

In this world full of violence and crime,
a heart breaks too many times.
The saddest part of the whole ordeal
is watching that mom’s pain revealed.

When the judicial system then fails them,
the family is forever condemned.
They relive the pain of their loss each day.
They cry out for the agony to go away.

Their suffering each and every moment of heartaches
makes each step in life too hard to take.
Does the system care what it has come to be?
How could they set this killer free?

For I am the mother of that young man.
And I will never be able to understand
how could you take his life at such early age.
Why did you leave me feeling so outraged?

I know that someday you’ll pay
for the crime you committed that day.
When the life of her son meant nothing more
than an object on the other side of the door.

See also  James Mcqueen

You were released by the judicial system, true.
But your sin will forever haunt you.
And, one day when your draw your final breath,
you’ll hear the JUDGE sentence you to DEATH.

Kaye Des’Ormeaux
Copyright 2000
Dedicated to Judi Walker
In Loving Memory of Shane

I am outraged that the Louisiana Judical System was NOT there for Shane. It is pitiful that the criminals have more rights than the the victims. Where did we go wrong? Shane Hebert had a life. And, this trash took it. Now, when, where and WHO explains this contastrophy to Shane’s twins? How can we express to them that law & order is the way? What a terrible thing to happen in our state. Lord be with us all when the criminal has more rights than we do.

Adam Carrier Livingston Parish

These are the newspaper articles about the murder trial of Shane Hebert.

Adam Carrier Livingston Parish

Many people have asked me what happened to the other two boys involved. When it was time for their sentencing, I went to the hearing and spoke on their behalf. I asked that the judge release them for time served. She granted my request. They are now free and resuming their lives, but not the lives they had before, Shane’s death has changed them forever. I stay in contact with both of them and both are doing very well and are productive young men. I feel they will do great things with the rest of their lives.

Many people will not understand what I did, I have had people come up to me and tell me what I did was wrong. I respect their opinions, but I had to do what my heart told me was right.

See also  Whats Going On In Ascension Parish

Adam Carrier Livingston Parish

Injustice in our courts happens more than people realize.

Here are more victims without justice.

Adam Carrier Livingston Parish

Cory Shane Hurst
In Memory of Cory

Adam Carrier Livingston Parish

Damian Alexander De La Cruz
In Memory of Damian

Adam Carrier Livingston Parish

Chris Price
In Memory of Chris

There is no music on this page, it is silent in respect for all the victims without justice. Silent just as they and their rights are.

Adam Carrier Livingston Parish
Adam Carrier Livingston Parish

Adam Carrier Livingston Parish

Do you know of a victim who did not receive justice?
If so, please e-mail me so they can remembered here.

Remember The Innocent
site is owned by
Judi Walker.

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